Social Media Coaching

  • Do you think “my business should be using social media”, but you don’t know how?
  • Have you been given the responsibility of social media, but are unsure what to do?
  • Is your business struggling to use social media and failing to get results from your efforts?
  • Do you want to bring your team (or your boss) up to speed on social media?
  • Do you wish you had access to someone who could regularly keep you up-to-speed with the latest social media changes?
  • Are you one of the 83% of Australian businesses that don’t have a social media strategy?

If so, then you and/or your team would benefit from social media coaching from Status Squad.

Status Squad is passionate about social media and making it to work for small businesses. Yes you can set up a Facebook page or a Twitter account, but using it effectively to produce results is a whole different story.

The world of social media is an ever changing environment.  Status Squad has a continuous education philosophy and always stays abreast of latest developments, trends and tools available for small businesses.  Maria DePesa is skilled in coaching and providing an excellent learning environment for those new to social media or keen to refresh themselves on any aspects of the social networks and tools that are constantly evolving.

Social media coaching is for businesses who want to grow their business with the aid of social media. Social media coaching can help you to:

  • Define your social media strategy;
  • Set and achieve goals;
  • Work out the best social media network(s) to use;
  • Decide where to best spend your time;
  • Find out what is and isn’t working;
  • Understand how and where improvements can be made;
  • Increase your productivity when using social media;
  • Set up measurements that relate to your business;
  • Build relationships with customers;
  • Convert online communities to paying customers so that you ultimately get results from your social media activity;
  • Make you accountable;
  • Improve your skills;
  • Keep abreast of the latest tips and tools; to name a few.

Your Investment

45-minute session $99

Three-session Bundle $249:

Six-session Bundle $399:

How does it work?


To schedule your session, first, purchase one of the sessions.

Once you check out you will be forwarded automatically to my pre-coaching form. I will get some background information from the Pre-coaching form so that I can understand where you currently are at with your Social Media campaign and where you want to go.

Once you submit your Pre-Coaching Form, you will be forwarded to a link to my calendar. There you will be able to see my open slots and pick one that fits your schedule. If you can’t find a good time, I can work with you to get a time that fits.

When we have our session, we will set up a remote conference via so that you can see my screen and we can share control. That way you can show me what you need and I can help walk you through setups or show you different sites. Together we will design a Social Media strategy that works for you and gets you to your target!

Still have questions? I would love to connect with you. Either reach out to me by email or fill out the form below and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Maria DePesa



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