Social Media Consulting

Are you struggling with getting started promoting your business using Social Media and don’t know where to start?

Are you working on a particular aspect of Social Media and just stuck with how to optimize it and make sure you are taking full advantage of the opportunity? Or maybe you would like a review of what you are doing and make sure you are on the right track?

Are you tired of trying to figure out Social Media on your own and just want someone to sit down and explain it to you in plain English?

Do you want to finally find out how Social Media can make money for your business?

I can help you work through your issues and come up with a Social Media plan that will best fit your business. We start out with a questionnaire that helps me determine where you are currently with Social Media and where you want to go. I also get some background on your marketing message so we are consistently weaving that into what we do. Then we sit down and I walk you through what you need. We set up a strategy and system that will work for you in the future.

I will help you eliminate your frustrations and get back to your core business. Let’s face it, your business needs to be taking advantage of all that Social Media has to offer, but you don’t want it to be taking all your time and energy. Every business out there, local or web-based, is increasing their web footprint and you don’t want to be left behind.

Your Investment

45-minute session $99

Three-session Bundle $249:

Six-session Bundle $399:

How does it work?

To schedule your session, first, purchase one of the sessions.

Once you check out you will be forwarded automatically to my pre-consulting form. I will get some background information from the Pre-consulting form so that I can understand where you currently are at with your Social Media campaign and where you want to go.

Once you submit your Pre-Consulting Form, you will be forwarded to a link to my calendar. There you will be able to see my open slots and pick one that fits your schedule. If you can’t find a good time, I can work with you to get a time that fits.

When we have our session, we will set up a remote conference via so that you can see my screen and we can share control. That way you can show me what you need and I can help walk you through setups or show you different sites. Together we will design a Social Media strategy that works for you and gets you to your target!

Still have questions? I would love to connect with you. Either reach out to me by email or fill out the form below and I will get back to you as soon as possible.



Maria DePesa



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